The pathological manifestations and risks of the protectors of air conditioners in buildings

Keywords: pathology, corrosion, air conditioning, concrete, risks


Faced with the large number of partial or total collapses in buildings, the objective of this study is the identification of the pathological manifestations and the risks of the supports for air conditioners of reinforced concrete in the buildings. The data were collected by 3D software and consolidated in the field. Of the 61 buildings analyzed, 48% are of the window model which, in a situation of degradation and fall, can reach the ground with an impact of the order of tons. In coastal regions, we add the accelerating effects of the corrosion of the reinforcement, such as high humidity, pollution by automotive vehicles and marine region. It was concluded that these supports do not have adequate structural designs, allied to the low quality and accelerating effects of the reinforcement corrosion, rendering them not recoverable.


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How to Cite
Silva, W. W., & Monteiro, E. C. B. (2020). The pathological manifestations and risks of the protectors of air conditioners in buildings. Revista ALCONPAT, 10(3), 377 - 393.
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