Electrochemical realkalinization applied to carbonated concrete samples under the criteria of three standards

  • Paat Estrella Paat Estrella Universidad Autonoma de Campeche https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4009-7770
  • Jose Alexandro Miam Cuevas Universidad Autonoma de Campeche
  • Erick Edgar Maldonado Bandala Universidad Veracruzana
  • Tezozomoc Perez Lopez Universidad Autonoma de Campeche
  • Demetrio Nieves Mendoza Universidad Veracruzana
Keywords: electrochemical realkalinization, pH, half-cell potential, current intensity


The effect of electrochemical realkalinization was evaluated by applying the standards UNE-EN-1504, NACE-SP0107-2007 and NMX-C-553-ONNCCE-2018, on previously carbonated reinforced concrete samples. With the monitoring of the degree of realkalinization, through pH and half-cell potential measurements at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days, pH recovery is observed in all cases, obtaining characteristic half-cell potential values in each current application, which confirms the polarization of the steel modifying the thermodynamic condition of the concrete-steel interface and causing chemical changes in the concrete paste. With the NMX-C-553-ONNCCE-2018 standard the steel was polarized without reaching the overprotection region, avoiding the risk of producing hydrogen and brittleness in the steel.


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How to Cite
Paat Estrella, P. E., Miam Cuevas, J. A., Maldonado Bandala, E. E., Perez Lopez, T., & Nieves Mendoza, D. (2022). Electrochemical realkalinization applied to carbonated concrete samples under the criteria of three standards. Revista ALCONPAT, 12(3), 347 - 361. https://doi.org/10.21041/ra.v12i3.619